Now More Than Ever: Ilford South’s Moment to Elect an Independent MP

Tired of endless political promises without results? It’s time for real change.

Ilford townhall protest

Do you want to make a positive impact in your Redbridge community while having a say in selecting a candidate who truly understands and represents us?

Join our community action group and be part of the endorsement process for an independent MP candidate for Ilford South.

This is your chance to ensure that our candidate is one of us, a resident of the same community who shares our concerns and commitment to serving you, free from the influence of political parties.

At Redbridge Matters your vote in Redbridge holds immense significance, as it shapes the future of our community.

Your voice truly matters in this important decision-making process.

Together, we can break the cycle of unfulfilled promises and bring about the genuine representation we deserve.

Who We Are

Ilford matters

Welcome to ‘Redbridge Matters’ a dedicated community action group that spans across Redbridge, actively addressing the concerns identified by our residents and collaboratively working towards solutions.

Our mission is to tackle pressing issues, including the rise in crime and anti-social behaviour, to create a safer, more sustainable environment in Redbridge.

We are committed to enhancing our community’s well-being, providing improved facilities, and empowering individuals and communities.

At ‘Redbridge Matters’ we value your voice and your ability to make a difference.

Our goal is to foster community-led social change by empowering you to take control and ensure your voice is heard.

Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant Redbridge where your concerns and aspirations shape the future.

Join us in making it happen. Together, we can break free from the cycle of unfulfilled promises and bring about genuine, community-centred representation.


The Redbridge community is grappling with multiple pressing concerns, including the profound disillusionment with our local MPs and elected representatives.

Their reluctance to advocate for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza has deeply disappointed many residents.

Furthermore, the dissatisfaction was compounded by Labour leader Keir Starmer’s remarks on LBC, where he suggested that Israel has the right to restrict essential resources like energy and water to Gaza, Palestine, a stance that has caused significant dismay.

In addition to these international issues, our community is also feeling the strain of domestic challenges, including the cost of living crises and NHS issues.

The increasing financial burdens on families and the strain on our healthcare system have added to the urgency for change.

All of these concerns have led many in our community to seek an alternative to the traditional two-party system.

Residents feel that their voices and concerns, especially on crucial social justice matters, are being consistently overlooked.

The perceived lack of accountability from both the Labour and Conservative parties has only intensified the desire for a new, representative approach to politics in Redbridge.


In alignment with our action plan, we are steadfastly pursuing the following goals and taking concrete steps to unite our community in achieving them:

  • Elevated Representation: We believe that the residents of Redbridge deserve a higher standard of representation, a sentiment resonating across our diverse communities.
  • Community Empowerment: We have taken it upon ourselves through Redbridge Matters to enact change given that the current Labour-led council does not meet our community’s needs.
  • Challenging the Status Quo: Our mission is to present a compelling alternative – an independent candidate for Ilford South and future elections, selected by us and a true embodiment of our community’s interests.
  • Energising Participation: We are dedicated to galvanising our community, fostering active involvement in the democratic process, and nurturing an inclusive, expansive grassroots movement committed to enduring change.
  • Facilitating Communication: We will help to facilitate our communities messaging across the lines of political difference that we have with mainstream parties and ensure our voice is heard. We’ll bridge politics and citizens to convey your message effectively to the right channels in local and central government.
  • Focused Workshops: We’ll develop topic-focused workshops and meetings to drive specific objectives and address critical issues.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Initiating awareness-raising campaigns to influence local, regional, or national policies.
  • Community Fundraising: Collaborating with our members to collectively raise funds for community initiatives.

These objectives underscore our commitment to creating a more engaged, empowered, and inclusive Redbridge community.


Get involved

Join our dynamic team and contribute to meaningful change in Redbridge.

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to support a range of critical functions.

Whether your strengths lie in canvassing, marketing, communications, talent acquisition, community engagement, policy and research, or logistics, there’s a place for you in our movement.

Even if you can share on social media and encourage your contacts, you have a role to play.

Each role is pivotal in driving our campaign forward and making a real impact in our community.

Get involved and use your unique skills to help shape a brighter future for Redbridge via our contact us form below.

Contact Us


We’re working on a donations system to support our campaign, including an upcoming crowdfunding effort. Stay tuned for details on how you can help drive positive change in Redbridge.